StepUP project celebrates its 6M General Assembly in Barcelona

StepUP partner Eurecat Technology Centre has hosted the project’s 1st General Assembly Meeting on January 22-23 in Barcelona, Spain.
During the meeting, partners have reviewed the work done in the last six months and set up the next steps for the development of a new deep energy renovation processes and methodologies to improve the energy performance and renovation of buildings. In this meeting, each of the participating partners have made a presentation to explain what tasks they will perform and what responsibilities they will have.
In addition, project partner Eurecat organised a hands-on workshop with partners to identify and discuss which stakeholders groups will need to be contacted and engaged during the project and build a user persona of the main stakeholder groups discussed: the academic and education community, the industrial community, policy makers, end-users and consumers and funding bodies.
The StepUP project, addressed to achieve the challenge of the decarbonisation process in Europe buildings stock by 2050, has the objective to develop cost-effective solutions and make buildings decarbonisation a reliable, attractive and sustainable investment.
The renovation methodology developed by StepUP will be tested in three pilot scenarios, two real and one virtual: a multi-apartment housing building in Spain, a public school in Hungary and a virtual office building in the UK.
The 1st General Assembly of StepUP was attended by all consortium partners with representatives from Integrated Environmental Solutions LTD (IES), the project coordinator, the Eurecat Technology Centre, UNISMART, Manni Group SPA, Suntherm APS, ABUD Mernokiroda KFT, Energinvest, Construcciones ACR and BP18.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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