The StepUP consortium celebrate the 38M project's meeting in Barcelona

StepUP partners have met to celebrate the 38-month project’s General Assembly on 27th and 28th of September in Eurecat’s facilities located in Barcelona (Spain).
Representatives from each partner entity have joined the meeting to present the latest results achieved, review all the work done and set up the next steps for the development of a new deep energy renovation processes and methodologies to improve the energy performance and renovation of buildings.
Additionally, during the meeting project’s partners from Unismart have organised a workshop to discuss innovative business models for renovation, specially in the StepUP context.
On the other hand, StepUP partners have visited Isopan (Manni Group Company) facilities located in Tarragona. During this visit, partners could see the Plug&Play Envelope System developed by Isopan within the project.
The StepUP Plug&Play Envelope System consists of a pre-assembled enveloped panel integrating windows and provisions for the technical systems for the active system, as well as complementary features for the passive system.
StepUP Consortium during the visit at Isopan facilities in Tarragona
About the project
Coordinated by IES, StepUP project is developing affordable solutions and technologies aimed at transforming the energy renovation market and making the decarbonisation of existing buildings a reliable, attractive and sustainable investment.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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