The StepUP project takes part in the “Fiera della Formazione” of UniZEB

Partners from the StepUP project participated in the “Fiera della Formazione”, an event organised by UniZEB which took place last 2nd of November in Padua (Italy).
Gianluca Perillo and Davide Quaggiotto, from UniSMART – Fondazione Università di Padova, and Cesare Arvetti, from Isopan, attended the event and took this opportunity to present the StepUP project to all the students and companies of the construction and renovation sectors attending the event.
StepUP was presented as a key European project developing affordable solutions and technologies aimed at transforming the energy renovation market and making the decarbonisation of existing buildings a reliable, attractive and sustainable investment.
On the other hand, during the event all participants had the opportunity to discover and learn more about best practices and new trends and visions regarding energy efficiency and buildings decarbonisations from professors, professionals and experts in this field.
UniZEB is an educational and research lab of the Università degli Study di Padova which aims to build, in collaboration with students and partner companies, an innovative and forward-looking building through the creation of a multidisciplinary and permanent Living-Lab on Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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