StepUP project presented during a workshop on new trends in deep energy renovation in Spain

The StepUP project was presented during a workshop about new trends in deep energy renovation of buildings in Spain organised by the Spanish Construction Technology Platform (PTEC), in collaboration with the Higher Technical School of Construction (UPM), and celebrated last 15th of March in Madrid.
María Ibañez, project partner and head of R&D projects at ACR participated in the session “New trends in energy renovation in buildings. Use cases”, delivering the presentation “Solutions and technologies for deep energy renovation processes” which introduced StepUP as a key European project to make decarbonisation of existing buildings a reliable, attractive and sustainable investment. ACR stands out for a sense of collaboration that has become strategic and for its innovative DNA.
The session also included the presentation of AICREDITS, ESKOAIRE, LIFE RENATURAL NZEB and FAÇANA, other projects working on the energy buildings renovation.
The Spanish Construction Technology Platform (PTEC) has the aim of contributing to the improvement of the construction sector through cooperation between public and private entities in initiatives related to research, development and innovation.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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