Eurecat presents StepUP project in the first edition of the Maresme EcoConstruïm

David Masip, researcher at the Product Innovation & Multiphysics Simulation Unit at Eurecat presented StepUP project Plug & Play technologies and methodology for the rehabilitation of buildings to increase energy efficiency at the Maresme EcoConstruïm fair. The fair, celebrating its first edition, took place on the 27th of April at the facilities of EcoHUB in Cabrera de Mar.
StepUP Project presentation took place during the afternoon in a session featuring other case studies and projects in the construction sector.
Here you can download the presentation delivered:
StepUP project is developing affordable solutions and technologies aimed at transforming the energy renovation market and making the decarbonisation of existing buildings a reliable, attractive, and sustainable investment. To do so, the project is developing a new process for deep energy renovation with fast design to operation feedback loops. This will reduce the performance gap and optimise investments, while scaling up promising Plug&Play technologies to minimise disruption, as well as maximising impact on energy, costs, and user comfort.
The aim of the Maresme EcoConstruïm fair was to become the meeting point for professionals in the construction value chain, where it aims to raise awareness of the new 4.0 technologies and innovations in industrialisation systems, digitisation, and new solutions in terms of efficiency and sustainability, as well as the latest trends in materials and products that will transform the ecosystem of the construction sector in the Catalan region Maresme. The event was organised by the Diputació de Barcelona and Construcció Tecnosostenible al Maresme.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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