Workshop targeting ESCOS presenting StepUP smartEPC model held in Brussels

On 29th June, StepUP partner Energinvest organised the workshop “Energy Performance Contracting in combination with innovative deep building renovation processes and technologies”. During the event, the innovative smartEPC model for building renovation, being scaled up with some of the methodologies, processes, and technologies covering all phases of the renovation process of the StepUP project was presented.
During the event, attendees could learn about a range of topics essential to understand the project and its key components. It included a presentation of the project by Amisha Panchal, Project Manager at Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES), a session on smartEPC and its application in the StepUP project by Lieven Vanstraelen, Senior Consultant from Energinvest, and a presentation about the application of the tool in the StepUP Hungarian pilot by Melinda Orova, Senior Consultant at Advanced Building and Urban Design (ABUD).
smartEPC is one of StepUP core technologies for optimising deep renovation, together with the P&P envelope system, a flexible heating & cooling solution and a lifecycle platform. smartEPC has a proven track record of being one of the most robust methods to design and implement Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) for large building renovations.
Several StepUP partners, including Energinvest – developer of the smartEPC model, back in 2011 – have teamed together for the last 36 months to combine the StepUP processes and technologies with the smartEPC methodology to address performance-based deep renovation projects.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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