Manni Group presents the StepUP project in the Eurac Research training course on Façade Architecture, Construction and Engineering (FACE)

On November 22nd, StepUP project partner Manni Group participated in the 5th edition of the high specialisation training course on Façade Architecture, Construction and Engineering (FACE), entitled “Advanced course on innovative building façades” and organised by Eurac Research.
Ester Caldana, project partner and architect at Manni Group, participated in the course presenting the StepUP project’s P&P façade envelope system, a pre-assembled enveloped panel integrating windows and provisions for the technical systems for the active system, as well as complementary features for the passive system.
The FACE course provided insights into the contemporary façade market industry and enable technical designed and consultants to manage complex projects both at organizational and technical level. FACE had the objective to deliver thorough education for technical designers and consultants operating in the façade industry to help them keep pace with a constantly evolving market.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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