Presenting the StepUP project at the Sustainable Places Conference 2022
StepUP project’s partners participated in two different sessions held as part of the 10th annual edition of the Sustainable Places Conference, which was celebrated as a hybrid event, from 6th to 9th of September in Nice, France.
Project’s coordinator Amisha Panchal from the from Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES), presented StepUP during the workshop Off-site “Plug-and-Play prefabricated opaque and transparent multifunctional envelop systems: Lessons learnt and Visions”, celebrated in a hybrid format on September 8th.
The workshop included a first part with the presentations of INFINITE, PLURAL, ENSNARE, POWERSKIN, DRIVE 0 and SWITCH2SAVE, six European projects working on the sustainable construction and renovation, renewable energy technologies, decarbonisation and circularity like the StepUp project (7 projects in total). The second part of the workshop was a round table discussion based on these projects developments and experience gained.
Finally, the last part of the workshop, named “How do the clustered technologies perform”, consisted of a roundtable discussion with members of the projects consortiums and workshop attendants to assess the technology potential and contribute towards NZEB and positive energy targets. StepUP partners Marta Lupi and Ester Caldana, from MANNI Group, participated in this final session answering all the questions appeared during the panel discussion and offering relevant technical interventions.
On the other hand, David Masip, architect and researcher at Eurecat, participated in the session “Renewable Energy Technologies”, held as part of the Conference on Friday 9th of September, delivering the presentation “Implementation the Plug&Play protocol and Integration of the Plug&Play technologies with TPC”.
During this intervention, David Masip presented the StepUP P&P solution, an industrial modular system that adapts to different building layouts and technical requirements. The P&P Envelope is the prefabricated façade module within StepUP that aims to improve the passive system of the building by reducing the energy demand.
The Plug&Play protocol has been explained and also its technical requirements in order to fulfil the integrations of different Third Party Cluster (TPC). Finally, a real case of a TPC integration was explained through a practical example of the implementation of an adjustable blinds from Gradhemetic into the Plug&Play module from Manny.
Donwload the presentation here
Sustainable Places yearly conference is an ideal platform for the dissemination of research, the conduct of workshops, EU project clustering and networking between stakeholders of all types. Through opening and closing keynote sessions, parallel technical sessions and project-organised workshops the various themes and topics of the conference were addressed and explored.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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