StepUP Closing Event
Solutions and Technologies for Deep Energy Renovation Processes Uptake
24th April | 9.15 AM–14.00 PM CEST
The StepUP project final conference unveiled innovative approaches for deep renovation, to contribute to the decarbonization of existing buildings and propel us towards achieving the EU’s 2050 decarbonization objectives.
Speakers introduced innovative methodologies, digital tools, and plug-and-play technologies, highlighting their potential to transform existing buildings. Participants explored cutting-edge smart tools tailored for the deep energy renovation market, promising streamlined processes and enhanced project outcomes.
Moreover, plug & play technologies supporting retrofitting processes to real-world project pilots were showcased, providing actionable insights for derisking investments and maximizing benefits.

OPENING PLENARY: Welcome, StepUP overview and methodology framework
Video recording:
SESSION 1: Digital Tools supporting retrofitting processes
Video recording:
SESSION 2: Plug & Play technologies
Video recording:
SESSION 3: Deep energy renovation project pilots
Video recording:
Closing & final remarks
Video recording:
OPENING PLENARY: Welcome, StepUP overview and methodology framework
Miguel Casas, Senior Partner, Energinvest
9.15 – Welcome and StepUP project overview
Amisha Panchal, StepUP Coordinator, R&D Project Manager, Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES)
9.40 – A holistic methodology for affordable, reliable deep building renovations
Melinda Orova, Senior Consultant, Advanced Building and Urban Design (ABUD)
10.15 – Q&A
SESSION 1: Digital Tools supporting retrofitting processes
Gianluca Perillo, researcher, UNISMART
10.30 – Life cycle platform and data intelligence solutions
Amisha Panchal, StepUP Coordinator, R&D Project Manager, Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES)
10.50 – smartEPC: smart tools for smart StepUP projects
Lieven Vanstraelen, Senior Partner, Energinvest
11.05 – Guidelines and IT tools for lean industrialised construction
Jesús Alonso, Innovation Director, Construcciones ACR
11.20 – A set-based design matrix for a multifunctional plug-and-play façade
David Masip Vilà, Ph.D. Candidate, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
11.35 – Q&A
SESSION 2: Plug & Play technologies
José Sevillano, Construction Business Developer Manager, Eurecat
12.15 – HeatTank flexible thermal battery for increased energy efficiency
Zoltán Andrássy, Lead engineer, HeatVentors Kft.
12.30 – Plug & Play module envelope system for deep building renovation
Marta Lupi, Project Manager, ISOPAN – MANNI Group
12.45 – Third party products integration
Irene Ràfols, Head of the Product Innovation and Multiphysics Simulation Unit, Eurecat
13.00 – Q&A
SESSION 3: Deep energy renovation project pilots
Melinda Orova, Senior Consultant, Advanced Building and Urban Design (ABUD)
13.15 – Hungarian pilot: Deep energy renovation in a public non-residential building
Zsófia Regula, Project Manager, BP18
13.25 – Spanish Pilot: Residential building deep renovation
María Ibáñez Puy, Head of R&D projects, Construcciones ACR
13.35 – Showcase of StepUP virtual pilot
Amisha Panchal, StepUP Coordinator, R&D Project Manager, Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES)
13.45 – Q&A
14.00 – Key takeaways & conclusions of the day
Miguel Casas, Senior Partner, Energinvest

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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