Clustering workshop & DRIVE 0 Final Symposium: Fostering experiences from EU innovation projects to accelerate a sustainable built environment
Fostering experiences from EU innovation projects to accelerate a sustainable built environment
15th November| 9.00 AM–17.00 PM CEST
Brussels, European Committee of the Regions. Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat, No. 101
The StepUP Project celebrated the Clustering workshop & Drive 0 project Final symposium “Fostering experiences from EU innovation projects to accelerate a sustainable built environment”, with the objective to discuss about the impact of innovative construction and renovation approaches on both policy and the market, drawing insights from experiences from the ground.
During the event, participants had the opportunity to delve into emerging trends and pivotal topics within the realm of sustainable built environment, covering areas such as prefabrication, circularity, off-site construction, modularization, digitalization, and industrialization.

9.00 – Registration
9.30 – Welcome & Keynotes
- Welcome and agenda of the day. Michiel Ritzen, Senior expert in circularity, VITO
- Welcome by Andres Jaadla, European Committee of the Regions (CoR)
- Welcome by Chairman of the Board at Estonian Union of Housing Associations EKYL
- Keynote “EU initiaties contributing to sustainable built environment”, by Rebecca Kanellea, Drive 0 Project Officer, European Commission (EC)
- Keynote “A global imperative: Harmonizing consumption & finite resources?”, by Ronald Rovers
- Introduction to the Projects poster exhibition. Ana Tisov, Drive 0 Coordinator, Huygen
10.15 – Coffee break & Poster exhibition
- Drive 0 – Accelerating deep renovation processes through the design of a consumer-centred circular renovation strategies and solutions
- StepUP – Making decarbonization of buildings a reliable, attractive investment
- INFINITE – Industrialized durable building envelope retrofitting by all-in-one interconnected technology solutions
- PLURAL – Plug-and-use renovation with adaptable lightweight systems
- BuildUPspeed – Promoting & implementing industrialized renovation solutions
- Giga Regio Factory – Market uptake and factory development for more affordable Net Zero-Energy renovations through industrialized solution packages
10.45 – Experiences from the projects to revolutionize construction
“A closer look at technological advancements in sustainable construction”, John von Oorschot, ZUYD
Panel discussion:
- Ana Tisov – Huygen as Drive 0 representative
- Melinda Orova – ABUD as StepUP representative
- Jure Vetršek – IRI UL as INFINITE representative
- Maria Founti – NTUA as PLURAL representative
- Maria Sara di Maggio – ABT as BuildUPspeed representative
- Sebastien Delpont – EnergieSprong France as Giga Regio Factory representative
12.00 – Coffee break
12.15 – From practice to policy to ignite transformation
“Addressing barriers to sustainable construction: Industry insights”. Sebastien Delpont, EnergieSprong France.
“EU policies supporting the twin transition of construction”. Philippe Moseley, European Commission, DG GROW.
Panel discussion:
- Philippe Moseley – Policy Officer at European Commission, DG GROW
- Spyros Mathioudakis – Policy Officer at European Builders Confederation
- Ruth Schagemann – President of the Architects’ Council of Europe
- Sebastien Delpont – Director of the EnergieSprong France
- Emmanuelle Causse – Secretary General at International Union of Property Owners
- Dara Turnbull – Research Coordinator at Housing Europe
13.30 – Lunch
14.30 – Illuminating opportunities to unleash the solutions market potential
Pitches ‘Success stories in implementing sustainable approaches & innovative solutions within commercial operations’ from:
- Bart Voortman – WEBO (Family-owned carpentry factory from the Netherlands)
- Jesús Miguel Alonso Pérez – Construcciones ACR (Spanish construction company)
- Zuzana Prochazkova – PichArchitects (International architectural studio from Spain)
- Daniel Orth – BauKarussell (Social urban mining service provider from Austria)
- Kalle Kuusk – Enterprise Estonia & KredEx joint agency (Estonian business & innovation agency)
Panel discussion between supply and demand side
15.45 – Final conclusions
Key takeaways & conclusions of the day. Michiel Ritzen, Senior expert in circularity & event moderator. VITO/ZUYD
16.00 – Networking reception

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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