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- Create Date November 14, 2022
- Last Updated February 1, 2023
European Union energy efficiency goals put refurbishments in focus as the existing building stock takes a high share in the final energy consumption meanwhile current refurbishment rates are lower than expected. This research attempts to answer the question: How can renovation processes be improved to raise renovation rates? The methodology development process consisted of identifying the methodological background, the phases and steps of the renovation process and the validation strategies. As a result, five methodological phases were identified. Renovations start with the Feasibility phase where a simple financial and technical assessment is carried out. During the Preparation phase necessary information is collected which results in a calibrated simulation model that can support the design. In the Design phase the renovation options are developed and assessed together with a business plan for financing the implementation through renovation cycles. The renovation measures are carried out during the Implementation phase. In the Operation phase the performance of the refurbished building is monitored and improved. The developed methodology is expected to provide more affordable, reliable building renovations, which reduces the performance gap, the upfront investment and the disruption of user life by reducing overall time on site. This results in an increased investment efficiency leading to higher uptake of refurbishments.