Final Open Day of the Renovation of Zöld Liget Kindergarten in Budapest
Renovation of Zöld Liget Kindergarten in Budapest
26th March | 15.00 – 16.30 PM BST time
Location: Zöld Liget Kindergarten, Pestszentimre 1188 Budapest, Ady Endre utca 127.
The StepUP Project invites you to take part in the final event of the Renovation of Zöld Liget Kindergarten in Budapest. In this event, we will present the results of the StepUP project’s deep energy renovation through a tour of the building and a special programme.
During the event, environmental awareness games and a puppet performance will be organised for the children of the Kindergarten.

14.30 – Arrival of guests
15.00 – Welcome remarks
Péter Kőrös, Deputy Mayor, 18th District of Budapest
Szilvia Kékesi, Head of Integrated Kindergartens, 18th District of Budapest
15.10 – Quiz game
15.20– A brief description of the objectives of the StepUP project
Melinda Orova, Senior Consultant, ABUD Kft
15.30 – Site visit and the results of the renovation
- P&P Façade: Zsófia Regula, Project Manager, Városrehabilitáció18 Nonprofit Zrt.
- P&P Active system: Dr. Zoltán Andrássy, PhD, Technical Director, HeatVentors Kft.
16.00 – Q&A and discussion
Exhibition of the children’s drawings.
For the children of the Kindergarten:
During the event, children of the Kindergarten will take part in environmental education games and programmes:
- Puppet performance by Mimó és Csipek
- Interactive games by Kezes-lábas playhous

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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