Project partners
The deployment of market-transformative solutions for renovation requires a multi-disciplinary approach: the consortium was built to balance background, skills and expertise, ensuring the achievement of expected results at scale.
The StepUP team is composed by technology manufacturers, owners, contractors, researchers, designers and consultants on IEQ, M&V and energy, stakeholders engagement, innovation, business modelling, Energy Performance Contracting and technology standardisation.
IES believe that every building of every city in the world can be decarbonised. Our purpose is developing the technology to make that happen. Our ultimate aim is to create a built environment that is resource and energy efficient. Eliminating global reliance on fossil fuels and promoting comfort, health and wellbeing, and fairer access to energy for every citizen in the world.
IES Ltd. coordinates the StepUP project and carries out the development of the data intelligence solutions and lifecycle software platform.
UniSMART is the Foundation of the University of Padova in charge of managing the technology transfer and innovation consulting activities directed to public and private bodies. It focuses its activities in the provision of innovation and business support services in several market sectors.
UniSMART leads the innovation management, exploitation, and market strategies for the StepUP results.
Manni Group, founded in Verona in 1945, drives the international market of steel processing, insulating panels and renewable energy and energy efficiency. The Manni Group holding comprises 14 companies operating in 3 different business areas. Manni Group promotes innovation in the processing and use of steel and a sustainable, safe and efficient construction through constant efforts in the R&D.
Manni Group develops a Plug & Play Envelope solution for deployment in pilots.
Eurecat is the leading Technology Centre of Catalonia, providing the industrial and business sector with differential technology and advanced expertise. The centre offers solutions to their innovation needs and boosts their competitiveness in a fast-paced environment. It brings together the expertise of 650 professionals who generate a volume of income of 50M€ per year. Serving more than a thousand companies, Eurecat is involved in 200 projects of R&D national and international with high strategic value.
Eurecat leads the prototype development activities, together with outreach and stakeholder engagement.
ABUD is a Budapest-based consultancy company powered by engineers, architects and researchers, specialized in sustainable building and urban design. The company has broad practical and research experience in the energy efficient refurbishment of existing buildings, including involvement in dynamic energy simulation and sustainability consultancy for renovation projects, especially historical heritage buildings, and research on district level renovation potential.
ABUD leads the pilot design, installation deployment and feedback loop processes.
Energinvest is a strategic, financial and operational consulting firm specialized in the development and implementation of public and/or private energy efficiency initiatives to scale up investments in energy transition, in particular sustainable and large-scale building energy retrofit investment programs.
Energinvest develops business models for owners and smartEPCs for deep renovation.
Construcciones ACR is a construction company which was founded in 1973 and belongs to ACR Group. The company initiated the extensive business activity which has low lasted over four decades. Since it started business, ACR Group has stood out as a company with a clear industrial vocation in project management on the building sector, ensuring deadlines, guaranteeing levels of quality, and taking its customers’ commitments on board as though they were its own.
ACR manages the Spanish pilot and develop guidelines for lean P&P construction.
The 18th District is located South-East of Budapest and it operates a large number of public buildings. It is the responsibility and also the interest of the municipality to achieve better energy performance related to its public buildings. It is also of high priority to increase the share of renewable energy in the energy resource portfolio.
BP18 manages the Hungarian pilot, engaging with the local stakeholders and end users.
IES R&D leads innovation in the use and development of IES solutions by engaging with stakeholders to drive user-focussed products, and lead research projects in new markets.
IES R&D will lead the intelligence deployment and monitoring activities, and the overall scientific and technical direction of the StepUP project.
HeatVentors develops, designs and installs their intelligent thermal battery systems to heating, cooling systems in office buildings, data centers, shopping malls, hotels, industrial processes and more. Our systems are providing energy saving, operation stability and sustainability all around Europe and also in the ASEAN region.
HeatVentors develops and provides phase change material-based thermal battery systems in StepUP project including control and optimization.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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