StepUP pilots meetups
On site meetup at Zöld Liget Kindergarten
Open Day, 10th September
The StepUP Project has celebrated its first pilot open day with the objective to present the concept plan prepared for the renovation of Zöld Liget Kindergarten (Budapest). The event counted with the participation of representatives from BP18, ABUD, employees from the Zöld Liget Kindergarten, together with 25 parents and 40 children.
During the event, Melinda Orova, senior consultant of ABUD, presented the kindergarten renovation concept, explaining in more detail the main problem related to the condition and current operation of the building, which was also supported by a comfort questionnaire conducted with the participation of kindergarten employees. Moreover, the planned project solutions have been presented, with special focus on the two technologies developed, including the Plug&Play Envelope System and the Heat.

Melinda Orova during the presentation of the renovation plans
The event also counted with the speeches of Péter Köros, vice mayor of the Municipality of Budapest XVIII; Szilvia Kékesi, Director of BP18 Centralised Network of Kindergartens and Dóra Herpainé Ábrányi, Director of Zöld Liget Kindergarten; a quiz game session about the current state of Budapest and the 18th district related to climate protection and sustainability held by Bálint Fleisz, senior project manager at ABUD and a questions & answers session in which the attendants could ask different questions related the project and the Kindergarten pilot.
In this pilot, StepUP technologies will be demonstrated for public authorities. The deep renovation intervention includes the installation of the Plug & Play Envelope System, StepUP Heating Solution, roof insulation, the installation of PV panels and the change of the heat distribution system.
During the event the children could learn about energy use and sustainability through eco-games: they could use 7 bicycle-powered machines demonstrating energy production or they could enjoy the eco-tale covering the topic of energy savings.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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