WEBINAR - smart Energy Performance Contracting in combination with innovative deep building renovation processes and technologies
Smart Energy Performance Contracting in combination with innovative deep building renovation processes and technologies
30th November, 2023 | 10.00 AM –12.00 PM CET
The StepUP Project held a webinar to learn on how the innovative smartEPC model for building renovation has now been integrated the StepUP processes and technologies to address performance-based deep renovation projects. As part of this Horizon 2020 funded European project, project partners presented the key features of the StepUP project and their underlying processes and technologies for Deep Energy Renovation.
We also provided insight into the smartEPC performance-based model for building renovation, greater energy savings, improved comfort and quality maintenance.
- This webinar is open to all interested parties with the following key topics:
- What are the key components of the StepUP project and its underlying processes and technologies for Deep Energy Renovation?
- What is the smartEPC performance-based model for building renovation, greater energy savings, improved comfort and quality maintenance?
- How does the Hungarian pilot case for deep energy renovation of a kindergarten integrate the StepUP methodology?
- How did the Sociale Energiesprong project in Belgium show the deep energy renovation of Social Housing neighbourhoods using a smartEPC/StepUP type integration model?
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smartEPC integration within the StepUP renovation process and technologies
About StepUP
The StepUP project is developing affordable solutions and technologies aimed at transforming the energy renovation market and making the decarbonization of existing buildings a reliable, attractive and sustainable investment. It has developed and tested a new process for deep energy renovation with fast design to operation feedback loops. This will reduce the performance gap and optimise investments, while scaling up promising Plug&Play technologies to minimise disruption, as well as maximising impact on energy, costs, and user comfort.About smartEPC for deep renovation
smartEPC on the other hand, has a proven track record of being one of the most robust methods to design and implement Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) for large building renovations. Several StepUP partners, including Energinvest – developer of the smartEPC model, back in 2011 – have teamed together for the last 36 months to combine the StepUP processes and technologies with the smartEPC methodology to address performance-based deep renovation projects.
10:00 – 10:10 – Welcoming participants
Miguel Casas, Senior Partner, Energinvest
10:10 – 10:25 – Introduction to the StepUP project for Deep Energy Renovation
Amisha Panchal, Project Manager, Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES)
10:25 – 11:05 – smartEPC integration within the StepUP renovation process and technologies
Lieven Vanstraelen, Senior Partner, Energinvest
11:05 – 11:20 – Showcase Hungarian StepUP pilot project
Zsófia Regula, Senior Consultant, BP18
11:20 – 11:35 – Showcase Belgian Deep Renovation EPC project, Sociale Energiesprong
Lieven Vanstraelen, Senior Partner, Energinvest
11:35 – 11:50 – Q&A, moderation by Miguel Casas, Senior Partner, Energinvest
11:50 – 11:55 – Closing remarks
Miguel Casas, Senior Partner, Energinvest

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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